Watts Happening (May 2020)
Welcome to the great indoors!
I hope this newsletter finds you all safe and healthy. Boy, these are strange times, and I don’t know about you, but it’s taken me a while to adapt to this “new normal”.
How do we stay healthy? How do we stay sane? How do we stay creative? We are inundated with news 24/7, and most of it isn’t good. We’ve all been affected by this virus, and for some of us, it’s hit very close to home. Now, more than ever, the power of music and its effect on our lives is so apparent.
When I started Singnasium with Kim Grogg and John Koprowski, one of the first things we discussed was how music and the community that it brings had enhanced and vitalized our lives. Our mission was to create a space that could help do that for other singers - singers of all levels and strengths that shared a common love and appreciation of music and singing. We have brought artists together in classes, seminars, workshops and bootcamps.
Now, we are faced with new challenges and opportunities for furthering our mission. We are thinking outside of our normal box and stretching into new territories. We have started using platforms like Zoom, FaceTime, and Google Meet to conduct business. We are currently doing the three classes that were interrupted by the COVID-19 quarantine on Zoom, and will be adding more classes very soon.
Although this is all very new to us, we are making it work and excited about being able to continue with classes. We are also excited about the prospect of opening our classes and exposing our amazing teaching artists to singers around the country and the world! People who do not live in the New York area will be able to sign up for these online classes! We will be sending info about our next round of classes shortly. Until then, keep singing, stay positive, and take good care of yourselves.
May 2020 - Lennie Watts, Artistic Director and CEO